(High-Value Sales)

Conversation between Business-Head & Salesperson :
Business-Head :
We have a great product. Why do I need you?
Salesperson :

Business-Head :
We have a great product & am already getting great price, why do I need you, then?
Salesperson :
Great positioning & great Customer connect

Business-Head :
We have them all.
I have a great agency putting good lot of money into ads & have nice people – who have never had complaints from Customer, already doing that.
So, why do I need you?
Salesperson :
More prospects-Customers from different demographic?
Do better follow-up? Get more conversions than your usual?

Business-Head :
That may not be a priority. How will you guarantee that? Why should we experiment or risk a new element into Sales, with you?
Salesperson :
Establish need for offerings? ‘Define/pitch’ value-proposition? Create reliability of revenue/Sales in business? Build a movement/cult for great products? Get an engagement with Customers & make impactful Sales experience for Customers to love these products? Get these products adopted by Industry as a segment in itself? Get Customers to appreciate the value proposition & ask for it, as their requirement!

Business-Head :
Why do we need all that mumbo-jumbo? Isn’t that unnecessary? How does any of all make sense? Why should I put time on that, with you?
Salesperson :
To make more great products, the basis of a good business, which makes more Customers – happy.
And, brings great people like me, to the Company. 🙂

Business-Head :
What else will you do?
Salesperson :
Helping Customers to buy & assist in making decisions.
Working with channels & partners to bring prospective Customers to engage with Company.
Make a meaningful value addition to the business!

Connect with Sanjaya - info@SBSdimensionS.com
(High-Value Sales Engine Design & Execution Performance Consulting)